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Herrington’s Quality Butcher will represent Team Canada in the 2022 World Butchers’ Chal


The Standard

SCUGOG: Team Canada will be competing in the World Butchers’ Challenge (WBC) this autumn, in Sacramento, California, USA.

This is the first time the Challenge has had a team for Canada, and they are very excited to accept the challenge.

Brent Herrington, owner of Herrington’s Quality Butchers, in Port Perry, is one of the competitors for Team Canada, along with his team of fellow butchers.

Mr. Herrington has participated in Ontario’s Finest Butcher competition before, so he has built a network of people for himself throughout the “butchering world.”

When they announced Canada would have their first team in 2022, Mr. Herrington had to go through the application process and was chosen as one of six Canadians to represent Canada in this event.

“Butchering, for me, [has] been a passion,” explained Mr. Herrington. “it’s been a passion for me to meet new people.” One of the main reasons he decided to apply for this competition and is excited to participate and learn. “So, I’m taking my craft [and making it] the best I can,” he explained.

When Mr. Herrington competed in Ontario’s Finest Butcher, he said the experience was amazing. He has competed in this event three times and has finished within the top final three contestants each time.

“It was a very positive experience,” he said, in regards to the time he won. The people he competed against during that event are now his team members. The team is made up of two “middle-cutters,” two “breakers,” and two “finishers.” Mr. Herrington’s position on the team is one of the “breakers.”

“Canada has never had a team before [for the World Butchers’ Challenge],” said Mr. Herrington. “I think just getting to this point is a win,” he added.

Team Canada has a strong team, and they have hosted frequent practices for the upcoming competition.

“I expect to do well,” he stated.

Their goal is to finish on time. Each team has three hours to complete what they are cooking and create a “respectful” display. The purpose of this competition is to put a spotlight on butchers – similarly to how most cooking shows highlight chefs and the work they do.

“There is a demand for butchering,” explained Mr. Herrington. And emphasized “proper” butchering; meaning the butcher is not only focused on retail cutting and is doing everything else as well.

This competition hopes to help butchers gain recognition for their craft and, hopefully, entice more students into considering becoming a butcher as a potential career path. According to him, butchering is a great trade which will continue to prosper in the future.

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