Movement for life by Lauren Walker, All Fit/All Ages Gym
I hope your summer was enjoyable! For those of you getting back into the exercise routine, starting on the right foot is important. If it’s been a few months since you’ve exercised, let’s remember common sense. You’re not going to be where you were before summer started. Let’s start with where you are now and go from there.
Take it easy – The biggest mistake is jumping right back into exercise. It’s a good way to get hurt. Start in small doses, such as 30-45 minutes, three days a week. If you’re weight training, I recommend cutting the weight down and completing two sets of 10 reps. This helps minimize muscle soreness and allows your body to adapt more easily.
Consistency – I’d recommend 30-45 minutes, three days a week, for the first few weeks. If you like exercising at a certain time of day, stick with it. Stay consistent with this schedule. The good news is, your body will adapt to what you present it with. Give yourself a few weeks, and you’ll notice strength and endurance coming back.
Nutrition – Over the summer, we may be off our typical eating pattern. It’s important to get back into that routine, as it provides energy for your workout. If you’re getting back to the gym, make sure you track what you’re eating and make the necessary changes.
Rest – Rest is often overlooked but is so important for mental and physical development. Getting back into proper sleeping habits will make all the difference. This, in combination with improved nutrition, will provide overall energy improvement.
I hope to see you back in the gym this fall!
All Fit All Ages Gym is located in the Food Basics plaza, beside Coldwell Banker.