Shirley Love – Pine Ridge Garden Club
SCUGOG: What lovely pictures and great information Speaker David Retallick gave on Daylillies at the August meeting.
The 113th OHA Convention was a great one except for the weather. One day it was 42 degrees Celsius, and I was on one of the bus tours which had to turn back to the hotel as some members, myself included couldn’t take the heat. The Ontario Horticultural Society was established in 1906 and now has 280 members in 19 Districts.
Our speaker for our September meeting is Dugald Cameron who will be speaking on “Late Season Colour Flowers and Blooms” Dugald is the former owner of Garden Import a large mail-order nursery for various types of bulbs, flowers, and plants which he closed after thirty-two years of business.
This evening is also our Fall Flower and Vegetable show. This is a large show and I hope things have improved since our July show.
Please join us on September 3rd at 7:30 p.m. all will be most welcome. For more information, please contact Shirley at 905-986-5330 or
“ Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes”