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Cleaning up

Every year we go through a rite of cleaning out the junk, the build-up of unnecessary things, stuff we deemed needful in moments or even seasons of our lives before.

The fact remains, time marches on, things change, and in that new light, we recognize so must our stuff, to match the place we’re in now. Hence the yard sale, the dump-drive and hopefully some re-purposing of things old into new. Change is inevitable; it’s a constant, yet what it brings is always new. Sometimes this newness is perspective, movement into action from stagnation, like with projects, or even maybe interacting with others when we hadn’t before. Regardless, it always involves inward choice, confronting things we have been avoiding or simply hadn’t yet seen which needed to be addressed.

There are times when calamity strikes, like in the Ukrainian-Russian war, or in the shootings in the U.S. Schools as of late, or in the recent storms which ravaged personal properties, businesses and roadsides throughout much of Ontario. Not many people died as a result, compared to the potential, and only a handful suffered physical injury. This in no way diminishes the value of lives lost and those affected directly by this. Our prayers go out for sustaining strength, upholding and emotional equipping to face the connected changes which come about as a result of loss.

Change; it’s inevitable. Our lives are built in the paths we choose because we have invested there. These are the places we call home, even those in our thought life. We have recently come through an Ontario election. Some are thrilled with the results, and others are less so. The number of voters showing up at the polls was a disappointment, meaning many abdicated their right to share their opinion in the highest way we can in Ontario, Canada. Interestingly, at the same time, we had record numbers of political parties working to gain those votes, more than we’ve seen in a long time. This clearly shows a disconnect between those who want to do some electoral Spring cleaning up and those who simply want to complain about the mess. It’s a good thing, we can see by the large majority, those who did vote were of a common ilk. This certainly cleaned up any confusion promoted by complaining opinions and demonstrates where we want to go moving forward.

Our communities are building, but there is more to do. Neighbouring places close to home still need cleaning up, but people are out there in records numbers helping to clear the rubble, giving to the needs, and showing emotional support with their hands and feet.

You know, during the past few years, there have been times where some have said people are fatigued by all the change. I’d like to challenge that position. Whether you feel the restrictions were all necessary or not, is not important to this point. Yes, people have had to do more when considering family, job, and interaction with others, due to Covid and restrictions, than they had to before this began. However, many have come to understand, some of these practices are very good common sense. They reinforce the idea we can all do better at taking care of our health and cleanliness, so as to protect ourselves and those we rub shoulders with in our days. In addition, cleaning up our hygiene habits can go a long way to unburdening our medical system. This can reduce the risk of future increased tax subsidies needed for cleaning up what Covid inflicted.

Something as simple as washing, using hand sanitizers and wearing a mask effectively reduces the dissemination of viral dis-ease from us, and being picked up by us and others. Not once did someone responsible say it is 100% effective, yet it’s practical. Like the labels read on other products, used frequently by many, it reduces the risk. It’s simple; yep, we could all clean up our own cooties, instead of complaining. This would amount to being sick less because we would pay more attention to what we contact in our public places and our treatment of their facilities when we use them. This is not from fear but from consideration and is one practical way to help the medical system financially bounce back. It’s very practical, cleaning up. You know, grandma making you wash your hands before you eat is not infringing on your rights. It’s good sense and caring about life all around.

Clearly, the removal of debris, the rebuilding of the good things we had before, and taking the opportunity to build new things when the ‘Winds of Change’ come, enhances our economical, structural, social, and emotional immune systems. Just like with our inner immune systems, there is a benefit from not buckling under. Complaining is becoming an extension of the problem, a kind of cooperating with it. Acknowledging there is a problem and moving to solve it, along with other parts of the body, is the action of a healthy immune system. Adopting a depressed attitude within is the kind of action which encourages inner conflict, and the system is divided so as to fight itself, depleting resources.

Now we have a new political season; we are cleaning up storm damage and watching the resilience of our collective communities’ immune system move into action; let’s not complain but engage as part of the solution. If you step out in the change and allow yourselves to see things in a new way, you may be pleasantly surprised at what change can bring.

Keep up the good work.

June 9th, 2022 Podcast

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