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Champion Trees of Scugog

I have been a Scugog resident for quite some time and spent a lot of time in 2019 measuring our township’s larger trees. Recently, I have had the ability to spend some time going for walks and appreciating the beautiful trees around my home. My dogs and I have been keeping a list of some of the most notable ones that catch my attention. As I have mentioned before, I am an arborist and love sharing information about some of our larger local ‘champion’ trees. This month I have a Sugar Maple (Acer Saccharum) which I found on Shanly Street in Port Perry. It is impressive in size, however, I am sure there are some larger around. The bright red foliage, right now, is possibly the brightest in town. I am even more impressed it is a boulevard tree and has managed to last so long growing between the sidewalk and street. Here are the measurements: DBH – 104cm; Height – 23.9 m; Crown width – 17.1 m; Total Points = 145 This tree seems to have turned colour a little earlier than most. It is possible its health is in decline which is also likely why the canopy is thinner than it should be. A lot of boulevard maple trees in town are at about their 100-year-old mark. I notice they seem to be a commonly removed tree by the township, as many have extensive decay and die-back. Sugar maples with some more yard space can likely last a bit longer, but years of construction and resurfacing and minimized root space to grow seem to have taken a toll. Sugar Maples are particularly sensitive to salt, as well, which is now a standard winter application for the town. For those who are thinking of tapping their Sugar Maple in the late winter for syrup, here are some suggestions: First, make sure it is a sugar maple. I have seen many folks try to tap a Norway or a Red maple and you will definitely not enjoy sap from an imposter. Secondly, be prepared to add a lot of heat for a long time to boil it down. If you think you can do this on a stove-top, think again. You will likely need to spend a day outside in March, with fire or a propane stove and that may get you a breakfast worth of syrup. Otherwise, be like me and leave the syrup making to the pros. Feel free to email me your suggestions on some larger Scugog trees to check on this fall, at

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