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Buy local and fresh with Durham Farm Fresh

Buy local and fresh with Durham Farm Fresh

COURTNEY McCLURE, for The Standard

NORTH DURHAM: Since the pandemic was declared in 2020, Ontario has encouraged residents to buy local.

The Durham Farm Fresh Marketing Association is a not-for-profit organization. Durham Farm Fresh represents retailers, chefs, restaurants, and farmers’ markets across Durham Region. It was started in 1993, and its goal is to help people and producers market their locally grown products. And, as the name suggests, their members are made up of local farms spanning Durham Region.

If you visit the Durham Region Farm Fresh website, you’ll notice an availability schedule. When you click “What’s in season,” a chart pops up showing you the average growing times for each product.

But they caution customers to keep the weather in mind. Weather can affect the growth of some local produce.

If you scroll further, you’ll also see a “We are hiring” section. Durham Farm Fresh has one part-time summer position. This position lasts for 16 weeks during the summer and is available to a student.

Durham Farm Fresh’s marketing assistant helps develop and enhance their programs and marketing campaigns, too. Interested students must be between the age of 15 and 30.

You can find out more on their website at

Some of the fruit harvested includes pumpkins, apples, strawberries, and so much more.

“They are passionate about getting healthy, local food from our farms to your family table,” they wrote.

If you click on the “Find a member” button, it will take you to an interactive map with a list of all the farms that make up Durham Farm Fresh. At the bottom of their homepage, they have a list of reasons why people should buy locally.

According to Durham Farm Fresh, local food is tastier, fresher and is full of nutrients. Local food doesn’t travel long distances, so it stays fresh longer than imported fruits and vegetables and therefore has retained more of it’s nutrition.

“Buying local today supports our farmers and ensures there will be farms in your community tomorrow.”

If you buy local produce, you support local farming and agriculture within Durham Region. This not only helps keep farms alive, but it also impacts the community of Durham Region.

“Farmers are good stewards of the land, taking care to preserve it for future generations.”

Locally grown and marketed food usually has less packaging andso helps reduce Durham Region’s ecological footprint.

You can follow them on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook for updates. For more information, visit their website, at, or contact them via email, at, or by phone, at 905-427-1512.

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