SCUGOG: Staff at the Township of Scugog advise all residents to prepare a 72-hour safety kit for their families in case of emergencies.
"The safety and well-being of our residents are important to the Township of Scugog," explained Scugog Fire Chief, Mark Berney. "It is, for this reason, we strongly urge every home to prepare a 72-hour emergency kit, including the basics a family may need during a range of emergencies."
According to Chief Berney, Emergency Managers recommend preparing an emergency safety kit which will last you and your family at least 72-hours because, when an emergency happens, it may take time for emergency workers to reach you and your family.
A power outage is one of the most common examples of a potential emergency, especially if the outage lasts several days or happens during extremely cold winter temperatures or intense summer heat.
A basic survival kit should include the following items: two to four litres of water for each person per day, taking cooking and drinking water into account; canned food and other non-perishable food items; a battery-operated or crank radio and flashlight; and a change of clothes and footwear.
It is also important to ensure each family member's basic needs are met.
"I strongly recommend you look outside the box to ensure the specific needs of every person in their home are included in the 72-hour kit," stated Chief Berney.
Food and water (for your kit) should be stored in a dry place. You should also replace it once a year.
"For me, the number one item to include in a 72-hour kit is a radio," said Chief Berney. "Having the ability to stay informed and determine my next steps."
Two significant weather events last year impacted some families in the Township of Scugog. The first event was the winter weather "event" the Township, occurring in February. The weather conditions may have stranded some residents during that time.
The second event was the "high winds weather event," in May 2022. The event caused local power outages, and many residents were left without hydro, cellphone service and internet, some for several days.
A list of other basic items to include in your family's kit is available for reference on the Township of Scugog website (