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Alvars: A globally significant habitat - right next door

JAY THIBERT, North Durham Nature Club

NORTH DURHAM: North Durham Nature Club is hosting David Hawke at their Tuesday, February 28th, Zoom Meeting, to begin at 7 p.m.

Most naturalists are familiar with a wide variety of habitat types, such as a hardwood forest, cedar swamp, or grassland - but an alvar?

This presentation closely examines the ecology of limestone plains (alvars) found scattered around central Ontario. It is a harsh environment, subject to flooding and drought each year; therefore, the plants and wildlife which live here are a hardy and often unique group.

David Hawke has been visiting this habitat since the 1970s. His stories and photographs will reveal the lure and excitement of exploring alvars.

To participate in this zoom meeting, you must be a member of North Durham Nature. Go to: for membership details.

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