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SHIRLEY LOVE Special to The Standard
A very busy evening at the November meeting and under the guidance of Mike Gibbs of Branching Out Florist 34 women and 2 men made their lovely wreaths to be taken home and enjoyed all season. December 3rd is the Club’s Annual General Meeting, awards night and election of Officers for 2020. There will be a Christmas Craft Display/Sale (Members only). The family pot-luck begins at 6:30 p.m. If you didn’t renew your membership in November, you can do so at the December meeting. $15 for a single membership and $20 for a family membership gets you ten monthly meetings with excellent speakers and or demonstrators. New members are always welcome. We meet at 7:30 p.m., at the Nestleton Community located at 3971 Highway 7A, in Nestleton, except for pot-lucks. All will be welcomed. For more information, please contact Shirley at 905-986-5330, or email her at shirlove100@gmail.com.